Thursday, July 1, 2010

Artificial Insemination (AI) / Married Inject

Artificial insemination is the placement of sperm into the ovarian follicle (intrafollicular), uterus (intrauterine), cervix (intracervical), or fallopian tube (intratubal) women using artificial means rather than by natural copulation.

Modern techniques for artificial insemination were first developed for the cattle industry to make a lot of cows pregnant by a bull to increase milk production.

(Source: Wikipedia)

The purpose of Artificial Insemination
Improve the genetic quality of livestock;
Does not require superior males to take place is needed thus reducing costs;
Optimizing the use of superior males seeds more widely in the longer term;
Increase the birth rate quickly and regularly;
Prevent the transmission / spread of venereal disease.

Benefits of Artificial Insemination (AI)
Save costs maintenance of male cattle;
Can regulate livestock well spacing;
Prevent the occurrence of inbreeding in beef cattle females (inbreeding);
With good equipment and technology that can store sperm in a long time;
Frozen semen can still be used for a few years later, although the males have died;
Avoid accidents that often occur at the time of marriage because of physical stud is too big;
Avoiding the spread of livestock diseases, especially diseases that are transmitted by sexual contact.
Is a secondary technical personnel who have been educated and certified as inseminator from the government (in this case the Department of Animal Husbandry).

Artificial Insemination Service Officer
Artificial insemination services performed by Inseminator who already have permits to do insemination (SIM) with active systems, passive and semi-active.

When inseminator not have a SIM then the responsibility falls on their results Livestock Service where he worked.

Reporting on the implementation of artificial insemination (AI) following the guidelines as follows:
Inseminator fill in the date of execution of Artificial Insemination (AI) first, second, third and so on note cards Artificial Insemination (AI) each acceptor
Inseminator must report the number of cows that do not lust after artificial insemination (AI) first (possibly pregnant) and the venue and a breeder of cattle / livestock are new in artificial insemination (AI) to the inspecting officer of gestation
Inseminator must report the number of cows that "repeat breeders" (cows that have been in the Artificial Insemination (AI) more than three times and not pregnant) to the Assistant Technical Reproduction.

Inseminator main task is to:

Receive reports from livestock owners about the cow lust and fulfill the call properly and timely
Handles tools and materials as well as possible artificial insemination
To identify the acceptor Artificial Insemination (AI) and charge card participants Artificial Insemination (AI);
Carry out artificial insemination (AI) in cattle;
Creating a report on the implementation of Artificial Insemination (AI) and submitted to the leadership of SPT IB
To simplify the reporting / query service Artificial Insemination (AI) it must be made a reporting system is simple, fast, easy and cheap. Grid report, the flag in front of the house / cage, cards and other lechery is some communication systems that have been executed at several places in Indonesia. Each region has different circumstances, so that's make a deal with the acceptor on ways of good communication to be mutually agreed. Commitment to abide by the decision also required.
IB officers (inseminator) may only menginseminasi if females in heat only. If females are not in heat, IB officers should notify the breeder and asked him to consider lust symptoms better.

Anatomy and Physiology of female genital
Puberty (genital maturation / mature sex) occurs due to activity in the ovary (ovary), the age of puberty in cows is between 7-18 months, or with weight loss has reached more than 75% of adult weight. The speed achieved depends on the age of sexual maturity:

Type / nation cows;
When the amount and nutritional content of food less the amount or quality, then sexual maturity take longer to achieve, this is due to underweight;
In tropical regions such as Indonesia, the age of sexual maturity faster / younger
Because it affects the growth and development of weight, especially when attacking the genitals, then the most likely age of sexual maturity more slowly achieved.

Cycle lust in normal cows is usually repeated every 21 days, with an interval between 17-24 days.

Lechery cycle will stop temporarily in the circumstances:
Prior to sexual maturity;

During gestation;

Post-partum period.
Lechery cycle is divided into four stages, and vary in each animal species. Stages and duration of the cow can be found below:

At this stage the cow is ready to marry (either natural or IB). Ovulation occurs 15 hours after estrus completed. This long period in cattle is 12-24 hours.

Time before estrus. This stage can be seen, because it is marked with a cow looks nervous and sometimes cows are mounted other cows. The duration of three days.

Time after estrus ended, folikelnya cook, then ovulation occurs followed by the growth / formation of the corpus luteum (yellow body). This long period of 3-5 days.

Time after metaestrus, the corpus luteum produces the hormone progesterone increases and.
This period is the longest ongoing because it deals with the development and maturation of yellow bodies, namely 13 days.

At the moment the situation is reached sexual maturity, activity in the ovary (ovary) begins. Time of estrus, ova released by the ovaries. After ovulation occurs, the former site of the ovary was filled with special cells and form what is called the corpus luteum (yellow body)

Corpus luteum is formed during the seven days, and lasted for 17 days and after that time decreases again because there is a hormone (prostaglandin) which damage the corpus luteum and prevent its growth for a relatively long period of time (during gestation).

Apart form the egg cell, ovary / ovaries also produce hormones, namely:
Before ovulation: the hormone estrogen;
After ovulation the corpus luteum in the ovary to produce: the hormone progesterone
These hormones control (give range) lechery cycle events in the ovary.

Implementation of Artificial Insemination (AI)

Preliminary examination
Detection of lust right is key to the success of Artificial Insemination, next is the speed and accuracy of the service itself is carried out artificial insemination. To simplify, as usual benchmark is done as follows:

First visible signs of lust must be inseminated on the Late
On the same morning the next day
That afternoon the next day (morning and afternoon at the latest) after 15:00 hours the next day

Service delays Artificial Insemination (AI) will result in loss of time long enough. The distance between a desire to desire the next is approximately 21 days has elapsed, so that if one desire then we still have to wait 21 days to carry out artificial insemination (AI) next. Failure of pregnancy after the implementation of artificial insemination (AI) will also result in wastage of time wasted, in addition to material and immaterial losses due to wastage of liquid cement and tool implementation Artificial Insemination (AI) and wasting a good transportation costs for reporting and providing postal services of Artificial Insemination (AI ) to where the cow was lust.

Alerts - sign lust in cows are:

restless cattle
often shout
likes to climb and climb another
vulva: swollen, red, feels warm when touched (3 A in the Java language: brother, abuh, anget, or three B in Sundanese: beureum, Bareuh, Baseuh)
from the vulva, clear out the mucus that colorless
decreased appetite
Symptoms - symptoms of this desire should be noted at least two times a day by livestock owners. If the signs of lust has appeared so livestock owners should not defer to the officer report to the cow inseminator can still get service Artificial Insemination (AI) in a timely manner. Virgin cows showed symptoms are generally more clear than the cow that had been childless.

Doing Time Artificial Insemination (AI)
At the time of artificial insemination (AI) of cattle must be in a state of lust, because at that time the cervical canal (cervical) in the open position.

The possibility of conception (of gestation) when inseminated at certain periods of lust has been calculated by experts, estimates are:
lust beginning: 44%
mid-lust: 82%
end of lechery: 75%
6 hours after lechery: 62.5%
12 hours after lechery: 32.5%
18 hours after lechery: 28%
24 hours after lechery: 12%

Factors - Factors Cause Low gestation
Factors - factors that cause low percentage of gestation were:
Fertility and the ugly of frozen semen quality / low;
Inseminator less / unskilled;
Farmer / rancher is not / less skilled at detecting lust;
Late reporting and / or services Inseminator slow;
Possibility of reproductive disorders / health of cows.
It is clear that the most important factor is the detection of lust, because lust signs often occur at night. Therefore, farmers are expected to monitor the incidence of lust with either way:
Noting the desire of all cow cycles females (virgin and adult);
IB officers should be socialized in ways to detect signs of lust.

One simple and inexpensive ways to help farmers to detect heat, is to give the paint on the tail, when the cows get married (lust) will paint a dirty / faded / vanished because of friction due to be climbed by another female.
Handling the field of reproduction is a complicated task. He needs a cooperation and coordination between personnel comprising veterinarians, scholars such as farms and medium personnel inseminator, the inspector of gestation, the technical assistant of reproduction. Coordination is also not the only area of expertise but also on the level of bureaucracy for implementation of artificial insemination (AI) is still through projects financed by the government so that the bureaucracy still plays a major role here. Coordination of the various levels of bureaucracy that usually always highlighted by the negative by field workers and farmers. Keterbuakaan is the key to the overall success of this program.

Synchronization Birahi
In some government projects, often carried out artificial insemination crash-course in which at one time the same should be done but not all of insemination female lust at the same time. Therefore should be implemented so-called synchronization lust.
Basically, the synchronization of lust is an effort to induce the desire to use the hormone progesterone. Synthetic hormone preparations are usually of this type of prostaglandin F2a. Trade names most often encountered in Indonesia was Enzaprost F.
Synchronization is expensive because of lust hormones high prices and transportation costs and other expenses related to field officers.

Apikasi way to penyerentakkan lust hormones are as follows:
Carry out the first hormone injections, make sure that:
Recipient cows must be healthy and not thin (kaheksia);
Cows not pregnant within a state, when the cows were pregnant and then miscarried penyerentakkan done lechery will happen.
Perform a second hormone injections with an interval of 11 days after the first injection;
Sexual arousal will occur two to four days after the second injection.

Artificial Insemination procedures are as follows:
Before carrying out artificial insemination procedures (IB), the cement must be thawed (thawed) in advance with the issue of frozen semen from liquid nitrogen and put in warm water or put it under running water. A good temperature for thawing is 37oC. So cement / straw is inserted in the body of water with a temperature of 37 oC, for 7-18 seconds.
After dithawing, straw removed from the water and then dried with a tissue.
Then the straw is inserted in the gun, and a protruding end is cut with clean scissors
Plastic sheath after it is inserted in the gun that already contains frozen semen / straw
Cow prepared (included) in a cage clamp, the tail bound
Officers Artificial Insemination (AI) use gloves (glove) on the hand that will be inserted into the rectum
Hand officers Artificial Insemination (AI) is inserted into the rectum, to be able to reach and hold the cervix (cervical), if in the rectum much dirt must be removed first
Cement injected / sprayed on the body of the uterus is in an area called the 'fourth position'. After all procedures are implemented then remove it from the uterus and cervical gun slowly. (Source: vet-clinic)

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