Development of dairy cow breeding has enormous potential in order to reduce dependence on imports and imported milk products of dairy cows. Breeding dairy cattle is dependent on successful calf rearing program as a replacement stock.
Development of dairy cow breeding has enormous potential in order to reduce dependence on imports and imported milk products of dairy cows. Breeding dairy cattle is dependent on successful calf rearing program as a replacement stock.
Calf is a new-born calves until the age of 8 months. New-born calf requires special care, precision, accuracy and persistence compared with the maintenance of adult cattle. Maintenance calf from birth to weaning is an important part in the continuity of a dairy farm business. Errors in handling and maintenance at a young calf with the age of 0-3 weeks can cause suffocation calf at birth, weakness, infection and difficult upbringing.
Optimal maintenance management calf at birth is necessary to obtain a cow that has a high production and productivity are ready to replace the cow that was not producing again, both as a parent and pemacek. Maintenance calf from birth handling, giving the identity, the pattern of feeding, monitoring of growth and body weight gain, prevention and treatment of diseases, as well as cleanliness and facilities cages until 8 month-old calf, calf greatly affect the success achieved as a candidate for prime seeds in the business dairy cattle.
With proper handling and care will be mengoptimalakan calf performance that will really ready to replace cow replacement stock that is no longer in production. According Muljana (1996), calf that should be preserved and hold each year for renewal is 30% of the total parent population.
To produce a calf that is strong enough one way the cow is pregnant for at least six weeks before lambing is dried and cows are fed with special and good enough quality and quantity. After the calf is born, is a very critical period. Therefore, calves should be given the best attention (Muljana, 1982).
Calf maintenance management is one part of the process of creating a quality cows. For it so it will need proper handling from the cow's birth until the age of virgin cows. There are a few things to note are:
1. Handling calf at birth
Handling calf at birth parent can not be done when played key roles. This is to keep the nature or behavior of the animals did not terusak. Assistance can be provided with appropriate measures such animal behavior. First clean up all the mucus in the mouth and nose are likewise contained in his body, using a towel (cloth) of the net. Create artificial respiration if the calf could not breathe. Then cut the umbilical cord 10 cm long and smeared with iodine to prevent infection and then tied. Give dry hay as the base. And do not forget to give colostrum as soon as possible no later than 30 minutes after birth (Imron, 2009).
2. Feeding
Child Feeding Cow / calf is expected as closely as possible to get the optimal nutrient intake. Good nutrition as calves will still give a positive value at weaning, virgin and ready to be prime seeds. So that optimal productivity can be achieved.
a. Digestion Process At Cow calf.
According to Imron 2009, to be able to implement the feeding program at the calf, it's good we must first understand the composition and development of the calf digestive tools. The development of this digestive tool that will guide how the steps of feeding the right. Since birth the calf has had four ventrally, namely: Rumen (stomach towels), Reticulum (stomach nets), omasum (book abdomen) and abomasum (true stomach). At first when the cow was born, which has functioned only abomasum, abomasum capacity of approximately 60% and 8% when it eventually becomes an adult.
In contrast to the original rumen 25% changed to 80% as adults. Time will only consume a small calf milk little by little and gradually the calf will consume calf starter (concentrates for the initial growth will be nutrient dense, low in crude fiber and soft-textured) and then study consume grass.
b. Types of Material Feeding Calf / calf
Type of feedstuffs for calves can be classified into two namely:
1. Feed liquid / liquid: colostrum, normal milk, milk replacer
Colostrum Colostrum is the milk from the udder issued a new birth, kekunig-brass colored and thicker than normal milk. Composition of colostrum:
· Colostrum contains more energy, more protein content 6X, 100x for vitamin A and 3x richer in minerals than normal milk
· Containing enzymes capable of bluffing cells in calf digestion tool that can function as soon as possible (remove digestive enzymes).
· Colostrum contains very little lactose, so reducing the risk of diarrhea. Contain trypsin inhibitors, so that antibodies can be absorbed in the form of the protein. Colostrum is rich in antibodies that serve to protect the substance of the newborn calf from infectious diseases.
· Colostrum can also inhibit the growth of the bacteria E. coli in the calf intestine (because it contains lactoferrin) within the first 24 hours.
Colostrum Quality: Color and thickness shows the quality (thicker and more yellowish it will be better, because the rich will imonoglobulin). Colostrum quality will be low if: Old dry pregnant mother, less than 3-4 weeks, continue milking the cow until the time of delivery. The parent is too young cow, udder and teats are not immediately cleaned during childbirth or when will be milked (Soetarno, 2003).
Substitute Milk or Milk Replacer (PAS) In phase for calf feeding, cow milk can be replaced using the original Milk Replacer / PAS. Milk Replacer to provide good quality weigh the same as if given breast milk until the age of 4 weeks. However, sometimes a cow giving milk replacer resulted in slow sexual maturity and obesity often leads to the calf. Milk replacer is either made from raw materials that come from good milk products such as skim milk, whey, milk fat and cereals in limited quantities. Milk replacer should be given at the calf aged between 3-5 weeks and should not be given to calves aged less than two weeks. Calf aged less than two weeks has not been able to digest the starch and protein-patian than casein (milk protein).
2. Feed solid / dry: beginner concentrates (calf starter) and forage.
Feeding Management of Early / Beginner (Calf Starter) Provision of calf starter can be started from the calf 2-3 weeks (recognition phase). The provision is intended to familiarize the calf starter calf can consume solid feed and can accelerate the process of weaning until the age of 4 weeks. But for the cows - cattle breeding and the prospective donor is less expected early weaning. Weaning (cessation of breast milk) can be done if the calf has been able to consume calf starter konsetrat 0.5 - 0.7 kg kg / head / day or on calf weight 60 kg or around age 1-2 months.
Benchmark for good quality calf starter is able to provide 0.5 kg body weight / day over a period of eight weeks. Required quality calf starter: Coarse Protein 18-20%, TDN 75-80%, Ca and P, 2 to 1, the condition of fresh, palatable, craked (Imron, 2009).
Feeding Management of Forage Provision of forage to the calf is still nursing, just to be introduced only in order to stimulate growth in the rumen. Forages are in fact not be digested properly and has not contributed in supplying nutrients. Introducing giving hay / grass since calf aged 2-3 weeks.
· Provide a good quality grass is finely textured.
· Do not give silage in the calf (often moldy), in addition to calf has not been able to utilize a lot of acid and NPN contained in the silage.
· Consumption of forage have started a lot after entering the weaning phase.
Housing system
Calf is born in good health and a healthy parent in the mash in a cage together with the parent, given the bulkhead so that movement is limited calf. Expected calf got milk ad libitum, so that nutrients are met. Also calf can begin to know their food is the parent who would become his daily feed calves after weaning.
This treatment must be in good control in order to reduce accidents both on the calf or the parent. For a sore calf, calf separated from its parent and in care until healed so that calf is ready to return in the mash with a parent or other parent who is still nursing. During the calf in the treatment of milk supplied by farmers in accordance with the age and weight (Imron, 2009).
According Soetarno 2003, during 3-4 days after birth belumdipisahkan Usually the calf from its mother, in order to obtain colostrum buffer completely. After that, the calf were placed in rearing cages, either cage observation (observation pens), stable individuals (individual pens), as well as the stable group (group pens). Here the calf began to be trained to consume food supplements.
Handling Sickness
1. Diarrhea (Diarrhoea)
A disease that is often encountered in calf diarrhea. Calf diarrhea is still quite scary because they often result in death. According Kurniawan 2009, if the calf lost more than 15% body fluid, he will experience tremendous stress and result in death. Among the many causes of diarrhea in calves, handling at birth, lack of sanitation, disinfection of the navel and a bad calf barn, is the main cause. Calf is an investment for most farmers benefit only from calf sales.
There are several steps to cope with diarrhea in the calf with the following steps:
Improve calf body fluids. Namely by providing a liquid electrolyte / ORS and milk alternately. And also reduce the consumption of milk because milk may stimulate banteri follow-up.
· Providing antibiotics for 80% of diarrhea caused by bacterial infection, then add the Vitamin C as an antistress. If the calf does not want to eat, it must be added multivitamin and antipyretic if the body temperature more than 39.5 Celsius.
Improve the condition of the cage into the cage clean and dry because of bad sanitation, potentially aggravating the infection.
· Immediately separate the calf is infected with another calf to prevent transmission.
· Watching every moment conditions to ensure the calf remains active.
2. Wormy
According Tuimin 2009, Dr. Setiawan Drh Drh Koesdarto and Dr. Sri Subekti from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University, and Dr. Herra Studiawan from the Faculty of Pharmacy Airlangga University states, Toxocara vitulorum, a worm askarid. Adult stages are often found in the calf (calf). As a result of worms disease (toxocariasis), is pressing the productivity of livestock, means the economic burden for farmers in a prolonged if not controlled.
Efforts to control according to them is not yet clear, this is due to the unavailability of information about the state of toxocariasis in the calf. Availability of worm medicine, generally only efficacious against adult stage, less nutritious for stage larvae and eggs.
This is because the cattle can be sold at any time if necessary. Ownership of cattle other than meat also produce fertilizer, as well as skin and bone have the potential to be developed in industry and handicrafts.
Nevertheless parasitic worm disease, particularly gastrointestinal nematodes has been reported Disnak Java. According to Simon and Syahrial and Putra Gunawan and diseases often found in the calf is a disorder of intestinal parasites.
One type of intestinal parasites are often reported to attack a young calf is toxocariasis. This worm parasites cause substantial losses, it can even lead to death in calf. Toxocariasis is a disease that is usually found in tropical countries with high humidity.
Calf is a new-born calves until the age of 8 months. During 3-4 days after birth calf must get colostrum from its mother, because the calf has no antibodies to resistance to disease. Once separated from the parent, then the calf to consume dietary supplements trained little by little so pertumbuhanya optimal.
Calf maintenance management includes initial treatment, after birth, feeding (colostrum and supplements), perkandangannya and handling system to disease.
Calf maintenance management should be more attention to the breeder, given tinggkat death and high resistance to disease. Besides cattle calf is the replacement stock which of course can be used as a substitute for cattle less than optimal production.
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